Sunday, February 13, 2011

What is your favorite Moroccan food / recipe site / video?

moroccan food recipes
by Zero-X

Question by Mimi: What is your favorite Moroccan food / recipe site / video?
I like cooking with Alia because the videos show you how to make things and I have good luck with her recipes. I would like to try some new recipes - any ideas?
I googled Mortadella and wikipedia says it's a pork sausage. Since I know you don't eat pork, I am assuming it's something like Koutabia sausage? Thanks for the recipe - I will try it.

Best answer:

Answer by Just-M the Paperbird
Many Moroccan foods are my fav :p, but i'm specialist in this one...& here's my special recipe:

BM (bayd & matisha) = eggs & tomatoes.

1 - u put some canned tomatos sauce in the ma9la (with some water)
2 - u add some olive oil, & the spices (salt, cumin, red pepper & hot pepper )
3 - u light the cooker, & leave the magic sauce for fire. (& cover the ma9la with sth)
4 - meanwhile...u break 3 eggs, u twist them.
5 - u cut some Mortadella (optional) into small squares, & add it to the eggs.
6 - u bring some olive (cut into small circles) & add it too.
7 - the sauce (or the "lava") should be ready after 10min, & u add the egg.
- for the safety of your cloths (especially if you're wearing white), lessen the fire before adding the eggs to the "lava".
8 - keep watching, & it should be done in 1 minute. meanwhile, check with a fork to make sure the egg in the core is well cooked.

9 - bring a khobza & bssa7a

@Mimi, yeah, mortadela is supposedly a pork sausage, but in Islamic countries they make it of beef & sheep (it's also called "kasheer" i just didn't know what's the English equivalent for that)

@Chalotiia, aaww really !! bowel movement !!! why do u think i put "bayd & matisha" between brackets....
BM can mean bad mother, bed moment, bar man....but if crap is what comes out of your BMM (bad mouth movement), then i guess it just reflects what is in your BMM (bad mind movement)...
PS: MB = Mad B**ch = chalotia ;)

What do you think? Answer below!

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