Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cool Baby Food Recipes 10 Months images

Check out these baby food recipes 10 months images:

25 Things About Me (I've Been Tagged)
baby food recipes 10 months
Image by DQmountaingirl
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose people to be tagged.

1. I love live outdoor music. Weekend music festivals (especially bluegrass) are heaven to me. Camping at the festival etc... love it. I love RockyGrass and Telluride Music Festival, although I haven't gone to either since I've become a mommy.

2. Sometimes I dream about things before they happen. The trick is filtering out what is just a dream and what is a "premonition".

3. I hold on to friendships dearly. I would rather have a few REALLY GOOD friends than a lot of social friends. If I call you my friend, I will love you for life, unless you betray my friendship.

4. I love meeting my grown-up preschool kids and seeing the two year old that is still in them. It is beautiful.

5. I would love to quit working for the next four years (or so). I would love to be a "soccer mom", but can't because I'm working so *!$ * much.

6. I adopted both of my children from foster care, am an advocate for foster parenting and adoption. Even though both of my children were adopted, I firmly believe we were meant to be a family... it was in the stars.I'm still a respite care foster parent, and firmly believe every social worker should have a foster placement in their own homes for at least a week before they place a child in mine.

7. I love wooden roller coasters. It reminds me of downhill ski racing.

8. I love to play games with people (board games and card games I mean), because it lets me get into their minds and see how they think. Pictionary is especially good for this.

9. I love to go to garage sales on Saturday mornings with my Mom in the summer.

10. I love food when it's made from scratch. Especially anything from Antares.

11. I live for traditions: Waffle Sunday, Potluck Night Wednesdays, Friday Night Bar-B-Que...etc. Any fun activity with friends or family that happens on a regular basis that I can count on. I'm sad when they end.

12. I'm interested in learning more about Waldorf Schools, would love to go train with Reggio Emilio schools in Italy, would love to become certified in Montessori. And, although I feel like I need to work with the school district to have summers off, I would love to figure out a way to do that at the preschool level.

13. Taking art classes in college really taught me how to SEE things. I didn't really see the beauty in the world before...

14. I love social history. I love art history.

15. I love to read books that have happy endings and take me to different worlds... fantasy books (with wizards and stuff) are a lot of fun for this reason.

16. I love that my kids are finally old enough to go on decent "doggie walks".

17. We've been a foster family for pregnant animals from the Humane Society. It's a great, responsible way for your kids to experience birth and baby animals, which is something everyone should experience...

18. I would love to buy a spruced up Westfalia on EBAY and fly out with my kids to get it and then spend six months driving it home. But wait, what would we do with Jenny Dog?

19. I really want to go to the Sand Dunes NM, I've never been. Or the white sand dunes in New Mexico... another reason to have a Westfalia...

20. I wish my kids saw their cousins more. They are such a great group of kids.

21. I'm so excited that my sister is a Mom, and it's so fun to share it with her...

22. I really want to have my own chickens.

23. There were a few years that I vowed to be outside enjoying every sunset and I did... being outside in nature is my religion.

24. I loved eating churros and drinking hot chocolate in Spain, it was like drinking liquid chocolate pudding. I've tried unsuccessfully to recreate it. If you have a good hot chocolate recipe, send it my way. I wish I had taken a few art history classes before I went.

25. I feel so lucky that I had so many freedoms as a child... something that my children don't have. I spent days skiing the Christie lifts all by myself (and my friend libby) before kindergarten. We spent the summer basically alone together in California when we were 15/16... we were so free!

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